Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Posting Comments

Just a note from the moderator of this blog:

Only comments of substance will be posted.

Also, use this post to ask questions of the student correspondents. I.E. Is it crowded there? What is Michelle wearing? Is it cold out? Etc...


  1. We've been testing, and should be online and ready to roll from BHS!!

  2. Hi from Alexa, Marykate and Zana!! We are so excted to have Barack Obama as our 44th pre
    sident. We know he will do a good job :)

  3. How is the movement of people happening, specifically on the Metro, in the streets, bus traffic, etc.?

  4. How many people are there right now? Do you think Barack Obama will do a good job?

  5. watching CNN, they said it's body to body...are you anywhere near that

  6. I think Obama will do a great job! Everyone is excited about the new president! Who all in here is registered to vote?

  7. Please take a moment to Describe the feelings of the crowd.

  8. Is everybody there happy? And full of cheers

  9. Hello,
    We are so excited for BARACK OBAMA.
    We cannot wait for him to be in office.
    He is an ispirational man!
    Our teacher Mr.Barra has taught us so much about Mr.Barack Obama and has helped us to gain the knowledge of the inaguration & presidency.
    We have faith in Barack Obama & what he is going to do for our wonderful country.
    We feel very proud to be apart of this magical experience.
    We cannot wait for Mr.Barack Obama to be with us for the next 4, hopefully 8 years!

  10. Congrats to President Obama... but I'd much rather conservative republican leadership. The ideals Mr. Obama proposes are almost socialist in nature, and I'm not good with that. Hopefully he proves to be a good President.

  11. I think Barack Obama will do what every President can and that is to do their job to the best of their abilities. I hope our economic situation can be fixed with the 3 Billion dollar bail out plan he has for us. I really can't say much because being the President of the U.S. is a stressful job and tough decisions will be made so I hope for the best for President Barack Obama.

  12. That's really cool that you get to do this

  13. i think obama will be a really great president we are all ready for a change. I believe he will be the one to bring it

  14. I think Obama will be a great president!

  15. hello my fellow blogers i just want to say that this i great that we all can come togeather and talk about something that we all love. this is a mind blowing experience. i just want everyone too gett hyppeeeeeeeee. this is going downn man. barack is a boss

  16. I think that Barack Obama will be an admirable president, I also however think that some of the reasons people voted for him is because of some of his famous supporters such as Bono or Oprah. I am very happy that Obama was elected, in fact if I was of age i would have voted for him, But is it really fair that many of his votes may have come from supporters of actors and musicians instead of supporters of Barack himself? Good Luck, Barack Obama. We need the Change!

  17. i think mccain would be a better president but i hope obama does a good job

  18. You must be meeting a lot of people. Where are they from? What are their stories? Can you share one or two with us?

  19. i think that obama will make a great president to run our country. finally, a change we can believe in(:

  20. I have mixed emotions about Obama, i think he will be a great president due to pulling soldiers out of the war. and hopefully he will get medical care for everyone, although there are some things i disagree with. abortion, hes pro choice and i highly disagree with that, he believes that if abortion survivor babys are born, dont give them a comfort blanket for the severe pain they are in, to men thats very cruel. however he has some amazing points as well!

  21. Vince Barbieri here with you with our opinions on Mr. Barack Obama. Barack Obama is a very well-rounded and strong leader. Even though he has little experience he is great enough to get the job done when we need it to be done.

    Hey its Tom Martin now, first of all congrates Mr. Barack Obama on today and i just want to say yes we can and we will over come the problems that we will face in the up coming years. I know that you will do our country well by reestablishing our path to a better and more clear future.

    Tom and Vince both now at the same time!!!! So bloggers, we encourage you to get out there and blog!! Have your voice be heard so blog, blog, and blog some more....

    p.s- USA all the Way, With Obama leading the way... HEYYYYYYyyyyyyyyy

  22. Kelvin Here and i won't to let you know that your information is helping me a lot

  23. Obama is our only hope.
    I hope changes are made

  24. I think that it is very cool that the students at Springfield High School have the oppurtunity to be at the inauguration. It must be freezing, but this expreience is a once on a lifetime. Are you close to the actual site of the inauguration? What did it feel like when you were told you would be going to Obama's inauguration? Was the concert on Saturday fun? What have you done during your time off?

  25. I think Obama is going to be a great president, this country really needed a change. I think Obama can do this job even though many people are doughting him. It's an amazing thing to see the millions of people who are supporting him in D.C waiting for this historical moment.

  26. obama will be a very strong president, and will solve many problems our nation has. but how long is his speech allowed to be? does it have a time limit?

  27. I think Obama will be a great President. I also think he will get our economy out of trouble. Are you guys far or close to the stage? Have you seen anyone famous there? How is the hotel?

  28. Are Barack Obama & George Bush friends?

  29. obama has alot on his hands to fix. i hope he does a good job!! :)



    It is time for america to change!

  33. i think obam will be a good president and do a job

  34. i love obama.

    love, sherry.

  35. Obama will be a great president and he will bring hope into the lives of many

  36. Obama rules the world!!!!!!!!!!

  37. My socials studies teacher Mrs. Cole, the coolest teacher by far, she encouraged us (Vince Barbieri and Tom Martin)to read and learn about Mr. Obama and his Inauguration. But we have a question for my fellow bloggers.. How do you think that Obama's new presidency will effect the world not just Nationally, but Internationally as well?? Opinions please.

  38. i think obama will effect internationally because he is pulling the troops out of the war and that might make some countrys more happy.

  39. I think this inauguration will be very interesting. This will probably be one of the most historic events in our history. However, Obama's hipe will probably turn into a bad thing. His promises are too good to be true. Sorry, but its true. Bush, wasn't as bad as everyone thought. Eight years of no terroristic actions on U.S. soil. Thats a good thing and all Americans should reflect upon why we went to war with the middle east and why we need change when things were fine. I mean, in a peaceful way.

  40. During the election, both of us supported John McCain. This is the first year that either of us really paid any attention to the election. Although we were supportive of McCain, we both respect Obama and think that he will still do a good job. We hope that he is able to make the right decisions and help our country in this time when we really need it! And oh yeah, MR. BARRAcuda has taught us a lot this year and made us more aware of what was going on during the Presidential Election!
    Good luck and Obama :)

  41. My name is Isaac and I supported John McCain during the elections. This is the first election I ever paid attention to. I'm in high school and I also watch FOX. Yeah, and I think most of the other news stations are biased and this one is the most factual. Obama's hype is a bad thing and I feel his actions are shady. Bush's eight years in office had major positives. For one, there were no terrorist acts on U.S. soil in the eight years. That is a major plus. I think people should reflect why they hated him and realize what he did was a good thing and that only bad things can follow with Obama.

  42. I'm so excited to be witnessing this inauguration! What do you think President Bush and President-Elect Obama spoke about on the way to the capitol?

    --Meghan from Boston

  43. Hi there!

    You gals and guys are doing an awesome job; so much better than the major network coverage . . . more thoughtful and innovative. Thanks for such a wonderful presentation.

    Just one question: When will I get to see my nephew on this feed (at the Constitution Center)? His name is Eric Neff :-)

    Best regards,

    Lisa Neff
    Freelance Editor
    Springfield, PA
    January 20, 2009 11:06 AM

  44. Barak Obama will be the greatest African American to be the president and make a change in our socity and the world. I am glad that Obama is president because I know he will make the changes, make everything right, and get the United States back on track that George Bush couldn,t, even though he didn't do anything to help us anyway.

    GO BARAK OBAMA!!!!!!!!!!

  45. I wish our next leader the best,good luck, and that he does the best he can for our country.

  46. Even as a child, I have always had an interest in politics. This election, a few of friends and I had really got into the election because in the grand schemes of things, this election is one of the most important of our lifetimes. I read both of Obama's books and got a real insight in his ideals and beliefs. He has a lot of the same ideals that I have about not only politics but the way he lives his life. Even though I can not vote personally, this election has bearings on me and an effect on my generation. I am glad to see kids my age getting involved in the elections because we are the ones who will be making changes and running this country. We are the future. We are facing times of hardships and our country is ready for change. Today is a day of history and a day of hope and change. President Obama enbodies our hope and dreams and I believe he will turn this country around for the good. Happy Inauguration Day!

  47. My name is Norma(AAHS) I think he will be able to get our country back on it's feet.

  48. As to the question of how he will handle national and internation conflicts, I hope that he restores our credibility with the world, which I feel has been damaged in the past 8 years. We need to work at establishing our own oil reserves so that the Middle East does not influence our foreign policy as much

  49. Happy Inauguration Day!

  50. I have always had a an interest in politics, even as a child. During this year's election, many of my friends and I got into this election because in the grand schemes of things, this is the most important election of our lives. During this time I read both of Obama's books and got a great insight into his ideals and beliefs. He has many of the same ideals that I have, not just politics but how I live my life. This election is so important because it effects my generation directly. I'm glad to see that kids my age getting excited about the election because we are the ones who will be change to our country in the future. Our country is in dire need of change on account of the hardships that we are facing now. Barack Obama enbodies our hope and dreams and I believe he will turn our a country around in a new direction for the good. Happy Inauguration Day!

  51. What is it like witnessing it in person?

  52. i thought that was cool to see

  53. I think you should send a recording of this young pianist's composition to the Obamas. He is extraordinarily good. Reminds me a lot of George Winter's work.

  54. Kristen Quinn & MyNeshia McKenzie: says Barack Obama is a cool dude and will do a SPECTACULAR JOB!!!!!

  55. We all know that President Obama has a way with words, but the real question is, will he take action to follow through with his proposals to better the US?

  56. Do you think President Obama can bring us back?

  57. Hi this is Evan and Adam from BHS and we are so happy to have Barack Hussein Obama as the 44th president of the United States of America

  58. think that he will do a good job. i think that he will get our country back on its feet.
    Brandon, Scott County High School

  59. I feel now that President Obama is in office, Change is definetly here. It is going to be a slow process. Anything he plans to do is going to take more than one month. It will take him a great deal of time to do the things he wants to change. I think the word change is what is going to get America through the next four years.

  60. aspen
    scott coutny high school

    what was it like seeing this all happen in person?

  61. This post comes from Mr. A's third grade class at Lower Gwynedd Elementary. Anna would like to know if the people who were in attendance were able to hear the president's address.

  62. Alex from Lower Gwynedd Elementary wants to know if President Obama seemed nervous when taking the oath of office.

  63. OBAMA you have history in the U.S how does that feal,beat your excited,and to think i am alive to see history the first AFRICAN AMERICAN to become president.

    Scott County High School

  64. Mr A's third grade class would like to know what characteristics will help Barak Obama be a successful president. Responsibility? Being respectful of those with different views? Taking the job seriously? Leadership? Being inspirational? Courage? Thoughtfulness? Loyalty? Honesty?

  65. Does anyone know how President Obama says he will handle global warming?

  66. First of all, congratulations Obama, I know he will do a phenomenal job in office. With Obama in office i can see change in the future. He will lead us to hope and way from fear. He is the voice for America and the change that we need. He is very inspirationa and his leadership will guide us to better lives. Good luck Obama!

  67. Dear Malia and Sasha,
    It must be fun living in the White house. It also must be exicting moving and meeting new people. You girls must ne very pacient since your dad became the new President. Well i hope you enjoy your stay at the historical White House!!.

  68. Dear Sasha and Malia,
    Im a student at Claymont Elementary School. It must be cool to be President Obamas daugters.It must also be cool to live in the white house.On Inuaguration Day it must have been tiring being around all those people. It must of been hard to travel from ceremomy to ceremony .

  69. Dear Malia and Sasha
    I bet you guys are excited to live in the White House.I respect you and your family.I think it is good to have your dad in the house. Its about time for change. Ive heard about what your dad has gone through to get were he is now. Your family and you will be very secure. You seem to be very successful and smart and maybe you will be in that spot, as President!

  70. Congratulations Sasha and Malia,
    I know you two are anxious to be living in the White House. Have lots of fun. Tell your father, he'll be the best President ever!


  71. I wish your father the best of luck fixing up the United States. Enjoy your new home!

  72. Dear Malia and Sasha,
    You must be very proud of your father. He is now the President of the United States of America.

    I am very sure you are happy to live in the White House. I wish you good will starting off a New Year and a new life as the Presidents daughters. I saw you on the Kids Inauguaral Disney Channel. You both were dressed very pretty.


  73. Dear Malia and Sasha,
    What is it like to live in the White house? What is it like to be the
    presidents daughters? Is it fun to have people
    wanting to see you all day? It must have been tiring walking around all day. I am sure the White house will be awesome. I hope you have a great time at the White house.

    from a Claymont student

  74. Dear Malia and Sasha,
    You are so lucky!!!!!! Living in the White House must be fun, but a lot of work. I saw you both at the Kids Inauagural on Disney Channel and at the Inauguration. Your father is a good leader, and will do a good job as President. This is probably a big but exciting change for you and your family with your dad being President! I wish you and your family the best and have a great time living in the White House!
    A Claymont Student

  75. Hi!
    Congratulations on being First Family of the United States. I have learned what your dad has gone through and I am proud that he decided to take a stand and make a change. I hope you enjoy living in the White House. I'm sure it is exciting.
    Amber Claymont

  76. Dear Malia and Sasha
    I hope you enjoy your new home, the White House. I hope you like the dog!

    PS Tell President Obama, "Congratulations!"
    Salihah, student at Claymont

  77. what up Malia and Sasha i seen you rocking on the kids inauguration. I know your so proud of your father. Your so lucky to live in a big manison. Have a good tiime at your new home.
    sincerly ,

  78. Dear Malia and Sasha,
    Congratulations to your family! COngratulations to your dad, President Obama. You are fortunate to have a great inspiration like your father and mother.

  79. Sasha and Malia,
    I know it's fun that your father is the President, but he is going to have a lot of work to do. I know that the White House is big. I would love to have Barack Obama as my father. I have a picture of him and a tee-shirt. I have drawn a picture of your father that I hung on the wall.

  80. Hi,
    I'm so happy that you both are in the White House. Congratulations!


  81. Hi,
    You must be very happy that you are in the White House with family and friends. You may be tired of press and security being around all the time. It is for the best of your protection. I saw you dancing at the Disney Inauguaral. This must be a big change moving from Chicago to the White House. Ohh and I heard of the new dog you got. I have a dog of my own. I named her Cinamon. Hope your stay is wonderful.

    White House Fan

  82. I supported Obama throughout the election. This is the only time I have really paid attention to any politics or any election. I think Obama will do a great job in office, and make the right decisions that will help uw during tough times like now! We definitely needed a change in office!

    Barack Obama ROCKS MY SOCKS!! =)

